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Host a corflute sign

Together with your help we can tell everyone across Forrest that I'm running to be their Independent voice in Canberra!

Share my name and face by hosting a corflute sign in your front yard, on your paddock fence or in your shop window. 

Ask your friends and family if they'll host a sign too. Let's get signs up in every corner of Forrest to show the strength of our community-driven, volunteer-led campaign. We can create change in Forrest - one sign at a time. 

Sign up now and we will be in contact when our signs are ready for installation closer to the federal election.

If you have any questions, send us a message via the website contact form.

Who's joining
Neil Enders
Gemma Hounslow
Michael Maloney
Margaret Parke
Fiona Cooper
Julian Bowron
Gail Riddick
Noelle James
Catherine Hemsley
Kathy Radford
Catherine Hemsley
Steph Crowe
Nadia Adams
Don Elston
Sheila and John Ferguson
Wendy Bonny
Ann Harkin
Jodi Larke
Gail Parker
Jane Vanderstoel
Don Elston
lara mcintyre
Alison Wylie
Albert Haak
Tony Sharp
Wendy Bonny
Gita Sonnenberg