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Elect Sue Chapman: a Strong Independent Voice for Forrest

As a Community Independent I will always put the people of Forrest first - your voices and experiences will inform my work in the South West and
in Canberra.

I answer to you, the people of Forrest, not to party bosses on the East Coast.

Regardless of who is in Government, as an Independent, I can work with either major party to ensure the best outcomes for our communities. An independent is never in opposition, they take their place on the powerful crossbench rather than the party back benches.

As a surgeon, I know how to listen with empathy and make difficult decisions. I am a safe and steady pair of hands that will work hard for you, your family and our regional and rural communities.

As your Independent MP, I will be a strong and effective champion for the South West, ready to fight for the issues that matter to us.

Cost of living, housing and environmental pressures are affecting all of us but the policies put forward by the major parties are making little impact. The choices our Governments make today will have long-lasting effects on the quality of life of our children and grandchildren for many years to come.

Together, we will apply evidence-based solutions to the challenges that face our communities to ensure a safe, resilient, sustainable and prosperous future for Forrest.

Voting for a Community Independent is voting to do politics differently.

Voting for me is voting for a future in Forrest that we build together.